Monthly Motivation for June – “Change”

Change is like a never ending line.

With an unknown end but a clear beginning,

and so unplanned that there is no fitting.

Fitting it into your schedule and fitting it into your life,

change is something that is hard to fight.

It’s bittersweet and strange.

It can swiftly take the reigns,

and force you down a different path,

A path that wasn’t the plan for your film.

The film you purchased for a picture perfect life,

Doing the right things and trying to live right,

and result of life just isn’t equal to your sacrifice?

But even at my age, I realize and see,

That there is no equation or film fee

that will meet your expectations or guarantee

a life free of pain and a life free of strife.

No, that doesn’t happen until you come face to face with the one who made the ultimate sacrifice.

And if you don’t know Him, I encourage you to let Him lead your life,

Because ever since I’ve given him the reigns,

He’s definitely inserted change into my life.

The change is sometimes accepted with open arms,

But yes, the change sometimes rings an alarm,

and doesn’t always seem to make sense,

and can be shocking or hurt like an electric barbwire fence.

But I truly still believe that the change is for my good,

So I hope that my words aren’t misunderstood.

But I hope that you will plant these thoughts for good,

And understand that sometimes by changing your lens,

Accepting change and sharpening your fins,

Can soar you above the crest and help you swim.

Swim above the things that try to bring you down,

Swim above the doubt and fear that can cloud your mind.

Yes, I don’t know what you’re going through right now.

But I’m asking you to not give in to your hardships or take a bow.

Instead, keep walking ahead,

Knowing that the road will be tough,

But I’m telling you to never give up,

because if you give up, then you’ll never get to see,

what’s lying on the other side of that hardship and that could be,

the best thing that has ever happened to you.

You will make it through.


Monthly Motivation for April


When I reminisce on how my grandparents grew up,

It makes me never want to complain about my life being rough,

But sometimes I wish I could go back and live in their time,

When gas wasn’t so expensive and stamps were just a dime.

When people said thank you, yes sir, and yes ma’am

When everyone knew everyone who was in your fam.

But I guess that things must change,

And I don’t mean to complain,

But I’m tired of us sweeping our problems under a rug,

And solving every problem that we have with a drug.

What if we really did start to care?

And what if we really did start to share

Our ideas and strategies to change this world,

Instead of keeping them inside and our mouths curled

Because we’re afraid of what someone may think,

Or they tell you that your ideas stink,

But I’m writing this letter to tell you,

That you are only in control of you,

And you can’t control what others may think or do,

Because ultimately, you have to do you.

And I’m not saying to just think of yourself,

But I’m saying to put what other people say on a shelf,

And retrieve the ones that you truly believe,

Are coming from those who don’t misperceive,

Who you are, what you stand for and what you’re trying to do,

Because in life you’ll need someone to help you through.



But as you continue on your journey in life,

Don’t keep looking to the left and to the right,

But look up and straight ahead,

And don’t worry, but pray instead.

Because yes I know that things can be rough,

But your struggle is making you tough

So that you will be ready and prepared,

To do big things and not be scared.

So yes…if you can see it,

Then you can achieve it,

Because your vision is unique

But it’s up to you to speak.

Monthly Motivation for March

Stepping Stones

No matter where you are in your current journey of life,

Giving thanks for each day can make everything alright,

and the heavy burdens feel a little light.

Though the burden may still be present,

Remember that your current burden is only a segment,

A segment of your life. A segment of your story.

And so it shouldn’t mess up your ‘road to success’ inventory.

No matter how hard life is or how cloudy your vision becomes,


Keep your faith and prepare yourself for when the time comes,

The time when you will break through,

The time when you will say adieu

to that burden that was once holding you down,

That same burden is now being lifted off of the ground,

Above your head and balanced on your hands,

That burden that may or may not have been in your plans.

But thankfully we’re not obligated to carry this burden alone,

And thankfully we can use each burden as a stepping stone,

a stepping stone towards our ‘road to success,’

not settling for anything less.

So during this month, try your best,

do your best, and keep striving for success.

Monthly Motivation-“The Month of Love”

It’s the month of love.

The month that some are sick of.

But single or not, I truly believe

That this month is a month that’s sometimes misperceived.

Many holidays and celebrations are this month and even every day,

You can observe them or celebrate them in your own special way.

But I believe that this month comes at a perfect time.

The second month is the month to be in your prime.

Think about those whom we have already lost this year,

And realize that your days are numbered, but no need to fear.

Because everyday is another chance to get it right.

To do your best and to not lose or give up in the fight.

The fight against life, because believe me I know it’s hard.

But it could be harder and it’s easy to let down your guard.

And let the doubt and the fear come into your mind,

Making it hard to see the reason why you were even designed.

But I’m writing this letter to you,

To let you know that you can pull through.

Whatever battle you may have faced this year already,

Is a part of your story and is making you ready,

For what is to come and what will be,

But you have to do your best to fulfill your destiny.

And doing your best starts with you.

Your choices, decisions and your attitude.

‘Consider your thoughts as seeds.

Some become flowers. Others become weeds.’

We will become what we allow our heart and mind to dwell on.

So the seeds you sow shouldn’t be played around like a pawn.

But think about what you truly want in life,

And think about if you’re willing to make that sacrifice.

Yes, some of your goals may require a little leaping.

But if you don’t like the crop you are reaping,

Then you need to change the seed you are sowing

Because every day you should be growing.

So during this month of love.

Love the one who is in charge of,

Your thoughts, your words and your choices,

And stop listening to those doubtful voices.

Because if you don’t have love for yourself,

Then it’s hard and quite impossible to love anyone else.

So during this month of love,

I challenge you to receive the grace from the man above,

And start fresh and new each and every day,

Towards your dream and passion no matter what others may say.

You can do it and you can achieve,

All you have to do is believe.

Mara’s Monthly Motivation-January 2012

As we begin this new year, this statement comes to mind:

Time. Waits. For. No. One.

Why Wait?

When time is steadily slipping away.

We never know when it may be our day,

for us to leave this earth

expectedly or unexpectedly like our own birth.

It’s easy to put things off for later,

Waiting for the ‘right time,’ like we’re the creator.

But when you come to the realization that you and me,

Aren’t guaranteed the next day, then it’s easy to see-

that the things that really matter shouldn’t be ignored,

Because your life, unfortunately won’t be restored.

Some things in life are just out of our control.

Things can happen and change as quickly as public opinion polls.

Now, this poem isn’t meant to put you down,

But it’s meant to help you turn your thinking around.

Around to making the things that you ‘should do,’

Be completed thoroughly with a follow through.

Every day that you get to see,

Means that you have a meaning to be,

Still on this earth and still living,

So you’re doing an injustice if you aren’t giving.

Giving of your talents and your blessings.

Thankfully, someone already taught me this lesson.

And so here I am to share it with you,

Letting you know that the dreams that are inside of you,

Shouldn’t be ignored, but they should be pursued.

Don’t wait.

Today is the day.

Peace & Love.


Mara’s Monthly Motivation-December

A lot of things post-graduation change, but some things remain the same. December is still a tough month for us all and life can become so chaotic like a shopping mall. Here is my inspirational letter from me to you…letting you know that you can pull through. 

Pause for a moment and look around.

If you lost everything right now, would you frown?

All of your possessions gone in an instance,

A life that is not so pretty from a distance.

These tragic events are on the news every single day,

and some even say,

“Thank God that that didn’t happen to me today.”

You don’t even have to listen to or read the news to see,

That 2011 wasn’t exactly heaven, or sweet like potpourri.

No one plans for the bad scenes in life.

Yet to find the positives can sometimes be a strife.

But when I look around and see,

Or think about people who have a legitimate reason to be

Mad at everyone or even at God,

Instead have a smile on their face…seems kind of odd.

Not odd like strange, but odd like unexpected.

A lesson that many of us have clearly rejected.

How can someone who seems to not have much,

Be more grateful or happier than those who have such

Money, money and cars, cars and clothes,

I think it’s a deeper meaning I suppose.

Yea, we live in a ‘look at me now’ culture,

People talking and ready to chew you up like vultures.

But maybe the things that we think we need,

Are the things that make us greedy indeed.

I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with buying something new.

All I’m saying is that when you do,

Don’t let that item control your happiness too.

There are so many things to be happy about.

The fact that you have vision to see this, is simply a reason to shout.

It’s easy to take life for granted or even doubt our abilities,

And plant them in the ground, hidden from others to see.

But realize that your talents are worth sharing.

And when you do share, yea people are going to start staring.

But when they do, do not be afraid,

But realize that your light is too bright to be hidden under a shade.

As long as you’re here on this earth,

You have a meaning and you have a worth.

Some choose to waste it and others choose to infuse it,

I’m praying that you just simply won’t abuse it.

No matter your current turmoil or circumstance,

Recognize that you still have a chance

to impact a man, a woman, a boy, or a girl,

And show them the true treasures of this world.

That despite what seems to be, it isn’t about the material things,

But it’s about what’s inside and the actions you see,

that truly makes a person a queen or a king.

I hope that this letter made you see, that what you think you ‘need,’ you may already possess indeed. 

This letter is also the start of “A Chain of Inspiration and Positivity,” a letter that I have started to send out to a few people via snail mail. My hope is that they will add their own inspirational word/quote/picture/verse and forward it along to someone else who may need some inspiration in life or just a reminder that everything is going to be alright. If you would like to be a part of the chain, contact me for further details.

Much Love,


Random Phone Call Challenge

Have you picked up the phone and called a friend lately? A text message, Facebook message, or a tweet does not count. I love social media and I think that it is a powerful tool, however, I feel like a phone call can make a huge difference in a friend’s life.

So here is my challenge to you.

Scroll through your contacts and call a friend who you have not spoken to in a while. Let him or her know that he or she was on your mind. Ask them if you can pray for them. You never know when your simple phone call can change another person’s life. It’s the little things in life that can make the biggest differences.